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Welcome visit Sunco Machinery for Alfalfa Dryer Machine

07-16-2024 Hits:

Welcome all the friends come to visit Sunco Machinery for the design and price of Rotary Alfalfa Dryer Machine.  We are located in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. By fast train or by air, it is very convenient to our company.

Alfalfa Drying Machine, Alfalfa dehydration‏, alfalfa dryer,

One of our local customer's alfalfa dryer machine has already finished the test run now, we can together go to visit this customer to check their alfalfa drying machine at your convenience . 

Drying Alfalfa Machine, Alfalfa Dryer, Alfalfa Dryer Machine,

Let us discover the composition of Alfalfa Drying System:

▍ Hot Air Furnace consists of fuel burning chamber and Ash Collection Chamber. Hot Air Furnace is used to burn

the dry waste wood, and generate the high temperature air for the dryer system.

Inlet Belt Conveyor sends the wet alfalfa into Inlet Feeder.

Inlet Feeder has two functions:

(1) To send the wet alfalfa into dryer machine evenly;

(2) Avoid the cold ambient air into the dryer machine.

Rotary Alfalfa Dryer has the function as follows:

(1) To help high temperature air to heat and dry the wet alfalfa sufficiently;

(2) The diameter and length of the dryer supply the enough drying chamber ;

(3) There is frequency converter motor for the dryer machine. By adjusting the rotation speed of the frequency

converter motor to adjust the rotation speed of the dryer machine, then to adjust the alfalfa drying time in the dryer

machine according to the actual need.

Draft Fan has the functions as follows:

(1) Make the ambient air into the hot air furnace, and supply Oxygen for the fuel burning process;

(2) Make the high temperature air into the dryer machine to contact and heat the wet alfalfa sufficiently;

(3) Make the exhaust air and dry alfalfa into Cyclone Separator.

Cyclone Separator has the functions as follows:

(1) To separate the exhaust air from the dry alfalfa: The dry alfalfa comes out through the outlet feeder, and falls down

onto the outlet belt conveyor; the exhaust air come out from the top of the cyclone separator, and goes through the draft

fan, finally goes into atmosphere.

Outlet Feeder has the functions as follows:

(1) To send the dry alfalfa onto outlet belt conveyor evenly;

(2) To avoid the cold ambient air into the drying system.

Outlet Belt Conveyor is used to send the dry alfalfa into product storage area.

Electric Control Panel is used to control all the machines of the alfalfa drying system.

Key Points of Rotary Alfalfa Dryer:

◆ Direct Heated Hot Air Furnace:

The hot gas temperature at the outlet should be less than 700 ℃. As the hot air is contacted competely with the high moisture content alfalfa,  inside the cylinder tube, the temperature of hot air is only about 200 ℃, and the actual contact temperature between hot air and alfalfa is only about 80 ℃, and only in this way, the alfalfa nutrition will not be destroyed.

◆ Function of knead machine:

The drying speed of stem and leaves is very different, V (Stem) : V(Leaves) = 3:1. For the fresh weight,  M (Stem) : M (Leaves) = 3:1 .  So we have to use the knead machine to deal with the alfalfa in advance so that the stem and leaves can be dried at a similar drying speed.

◆ Tightness of the whole Alfalfa drying plant :

All the open mouth are sealed well. Otherwise under the high negative pressure of draft fan, the cold air will goes into the cylinder tube, and it will reduce the temperature of the hot air and increase the power of the draft fan. This is the key point for energy saving.

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