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Evaporation system of wood chip dryer

10-27-2013 Hits:

Evaporation system of wood chip dryer mainly includes the hot air furnace, high pressure draft fan, cyclinder of wood chip dryer, cyclone separator, chimney, air duct tube, etc.

Evaporation system of wood chip dryer, wood chips dryer

Generally, the hot air furnace supply the hot air for the wood chip dryer. On the inner wall of the wood chip dryer there are many flights. When the wood chip dryer is rotating, these flights mix the wet wood chip with the hot air sufficiently. The wood chip is heated by the high temperature hot air, and the humidity is evaporated into water vapour. 

Under the function of the high pressure draft fan, the dried wood chip and water vapour goes into the cyclone separator. In the cyclone separator, the water vapour is separated from the dried wood chips, and goes into atmosphere through the chimney. The dried wood chips falls down and goes out through the bottom outlet of the cyclone separator.

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