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Fiji Customers purchase 5 t/h Chicken Manure Drying System from Sunco Machinery

06-28-2017 Hits:

Good News ! Fiji Customers purchase 5 tons per hour Chicken Manure Drying System from Sunco Machinery, and the dried manure is used as high quality organic fertlizer.

The requirements of Fiji customers  on Chicken Manure Drying System is as follows:

■  Application: Chicken Manure

■  Moisture Content (before drying): 60% 

■  Moisture Content (after drying): 13% 

■  Heat Source: Waste wood and diesel   

■  Input Capacity: 5000 kg/hour.  40 tons input capacity per 8 hours.

■  Need dead chicken incinerator. 80- 100 dead chicken average weight of 1.3 kg.

■  Need 100 tons Product Silo.

■  Need Chicken Manure Packing Machine.

The work flow of this chicken manure drying system is as follows:

Fiji Chicken Manure Dryer, Chicken Manure Drying Machine, Chicken Manure Drying System, Poultry Manure Dryer,

Fiji customers is the famous local largest chicken farmer, and by using the chicken manure drying machine to dry the wet poultry manure, and finally they will sell it as organic fertilizer.

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