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Nepal Clients Visit Sunco for Chicken Manure Dryer Machine

07-10-2016 Hits:

Welcome! Nepal Clients Visit Sunco Machinery for Chicken Manure Dryer Machine recently.

Nepal Chicken Manure Dryer, Chicken Manure Dryer, Poultry Manure Dryer, Chicken Manure Drying Machine,

The demand of Nepal Chicken Manure Drying Machine Customer is as below:

▎Raw Material: Chicken Manure from their layer farm

Initial Moisture Content: about 60%

Output Moisture Content: about 15%

Input Capacity of poultry manure drier : 30 tons per day, (Here Sunco suggest to work 10 hour per day)

Fuel: Diesel

End Use: Organic Fertilizer

dried chicken manure out of chicken manure dryer machine,

We are now almost finalizing our project feasibility and land development. We are only discussing about drying system till. We are planning to make pellet compost fertilizer by raw chicken maure. For this purpose, we need raw manure processing, drying, processing, mixing, pelletizing and packing.

Nepal Chicken Manure Drying Machine Customer stayed 3 days together with us, and Sunco Machinery took them to visit some of local customer's working field.  After the visit, they have more idea about our Poultry Manure dryer.

In the last day we spend one day at office to take face to face for more detail about their chicken manure drying project according to their actual work site, and fianlly we solve all the problems together.

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