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Weclone Argentina Clients visit Sunco Machinery for layer manure drying system

03-01-2016 Hits:

Warm Weclone Argentina Clients visit Sunco Machinery for layer manure drying system from on March 1th, then we will discuss in detail on the design of this chicken manure drying plant face to face !

layer manure drying project, Argentina chicken manure dryer, chicken manure dryer, poultry manure drying machine,

For Argentina clients, their requirement on chicken manure dryer machine is as follows:

▎Raw Material: Layer manure from cages: it’s not constant due we have layers and pullets from different ages but you should consider as an average of 70% of moisture content.

▎Output moisture content: I have not experience but I think around 20%.

▎Input Capacity of poultry manure dryer : We produce more than 180 tons of manure/day (7 days at week). We need to dry it in 5 days, not more than 7 hours / day.

▎Fuel: We’ll need to analyze different sources between waste wood, biomass fuel and natural gas.

As the input capacity of Argentina customers' chicken manure drying plant is large, and Sunco Machinery suggest that firstly to ferment the wet chicken manrue mixed with sawdust, rice husk, plant ash, etc, then use the poultry manure dryers to dry the fermented chicken manure. 

During the chicken manure fermentation process, much of the water is lost, in other words, later poultry manure dryer will need much less heat to dry the fermented chicken manure. As a result, to do it in this way can save much fuel cost.

What is more, the chicken manure fermentation process help to get rid of the strong odor of chicken manure, and kill the harmful bacteria also.  After the fermentation process, the moisture content of chicken manure will be reduced to be about 40%-50%.

fermented chicken manure,

Also, after being dried by the chicken manure drying machine,  finally we can get more high quality dried chicken manure as final product.

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